Raylight vs Power Pack
AVC-Intra Performance Comparison

This test used the Windows Task Manager to display CPU utilization
averaged over approximately 5 seconds of playback in a 1 minute loop.

The benchmarks below were run on a Dell workstation running
WinXP SP3 with a Intel Core 2 Quad CPU @ 2.4GHz and 2GB RAM.

Nvidia display adapter at 1680 x 1050, and a SATA Raid array.

720p24PN AVC-intra 50mbs in Vegas 10/32bit, Native 960 x 720 frame size

Monitor Window Settings: Quality = Preview Half
CPU Utilization
Raylight 55%
Raylight Power Pack 18%

Legend: % = Percent Load across all CPUS

What does CPU load mean for me?

If the CPU load is under 60%, you can edit one track of 720-line 50mbps AVC-intra in real time. If the CPU load is under 35%, you can probably edit real-time with more than 2 tracks and get dissolves in real time without rendering.

The advantage of using the Power Pack is obvious with the 2x-3x performance gain over the basic Raylight Ultra with AVC-intra clips. We were able to play at Best Full realtime playback with the Power Pack on this machine.