Note: If you need a DOWNLOAD of your software, or to update your software, please do not use this form but rather go to

If you need an ACTIVATION code or SERIAL NUMBER, please do not use this form, but go to

Otherwise, please give us some info about your issue:
Select Platform
Select Product
a RAYLIGHT product
I'm using the free demo
I purchased it with the email
address below
Your Email address
Please give us your name:
What version of DVFilm software are you using?
Versions numbers usually have a number and letter code, for example 2.02a. The best way to get the version number is click Help->About in the application.
Please describe the problem you are having.

Include info on the editing system that you use, any special software like non-DVFilm codecs, the settings used to export or capture the movie, and the setting you used in the DVFilm product.

You can also upload to us a short sample of the movie that you are having problems with. Always send us the original, unprocessed movie file, using a file sharing service like

Please read the capital letters that you see directly above, and enter them into the box on the right, then click Submit ONCE and please wait for a response (it may take several minutes).