What editing system is it compatible with?
If the output is 24P or 25P progressive-scan, will it play back on regular NTSC or PAL televisions?
Is there a Windows version?
How does it work? Is the de-interlacing method better than I can do with Final Cut Pro or After Effects?
Yes, much better. Nearly all plug-in and built-in de-interlacers reduce vertical resolution by 50%. But DVFilm Maker works by analyzing motion in each frame, and only changing pixels in areas of the screen in which there is movement. This results in a much sharper image especially for scenes where the camera is still. Maker also detects horizontal lines and prevents aliasing, or "dot crawl". You will notice that the output video from DVFilm Maker is just as sharp and clear as your original footage, yet looks as if it were shot on film. Here is a comparison test.
Is it better than Magic Bullet?
Maker uses different methods and gets smoother results than MB, since Maker blends fields together instead of skipping fields when converting 60i to 24P. But it's also 10 times faster and 5 times cheaper than Magic Bullet, and runs without Adobe After Effects, itself an expensive and hard-to-learn program.
What kinds of video can it convert to 24P?
- Conventional interlaced video
- NTSC and HD* with 3:2 pulldown (shot on film or DVX-100 24P Normal Mode)
- NTSC and HD* with 2:3:3:2 pulldown (DVX100 24P Advanced Mode)
Can it convert the Sony HDV 60i format to high-quality 24P HD?
Can I try it first?
How do I order DVFilm Maker?
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*Note: HD/HDV pulldown remove features and available in Windows version only.
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